Hematology Workflow
Tailored Hematology workflow capabilities to streamline test result validation
World-class hematology rule set combined with industry-leading Autoverification technology
Your lab understands the value of Autoverification – and the productivity gains enabled when your lab staff can focus on result exceptions. Imagine being able to take advantage of the industry’s proven Autoverification solution while having the added confidence of pre-built rules and workflows designed to support your Hematology needs. With Hematology Workflow from Instrument Manager, you can rely on a proven rule set designed for and tightly integrated with your most common Hematology instruments, so you can deliver faster and better patient care by focusing on test exceptions.
Key Features

Tight instrument integration
Integration with common Hematology instruments, like Sysmex, Beckman, and MRE, allow for rapid implementation and standardization

World-class hematology rule set
Best practice rule set designed from multiple hematology implementations lets you deliver faster and better patient care by focusing on test exceptions

Faster result delivery
Virtually instantaneous delivery of results. Auto-verified results pass directly to your LIS or EMR for instant practitioner access

Save time and money
Lab staff are overburdened. With Autoverification, you’ll reduce workloads and process more results faster, saving time and money