

Learn more about and register for Data Innovations user groups, tradeshows and more

Virtual Events

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The 2024 Data Innovations Virtual Federal User Group was a four hour training event exclusively tailored to the needs of VA and Federal labs. We recorded the event so you can catch up on what you may have missed.

Our live webinar series - and growing webinar library - is a powerful resource for insights on how to get the most out of your Data Innovations solutions. You'll find sessions showcasing new features, solution benefits, overcoming lab industry challenges, optimizing workflows, and more.

Tradeshows and Other User Groups

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  • Wednesday, November 13, 2024
  • Boston, MA

Join us for the November 2024 Data Innovations User Group where you'll enjoy a complimentary full day of training, product updates, discussion, and fun with other DI users with a special focus on best practices for IM users integrated with Epic Beaker.

  • September 16-18, 2024
  • Tucson, AZ

Designed to foster meaningful connections within the lab community, this event provides an unparalleled platform for directors, and other professionals to collaborate, learn, and share insights that drive innovation in today's laboratories.

Regional Events

  • 9-11 Octobre, 2024
  • Troyes La Champagne

Data Innovations sera aux Journées Francophones de Biologie Médicale pour vous présenter comment notre middleware Instrument Manager peut contribuer à l'optimisation des process au sein des laboratoires de biologie médicale. Venez nous rencontrer sur notre stand N°34 pour en savoir plus.

Ready to learn more?